Monday, January 9, 2012

Hello, Friend

Most of you know Him. His name is Jesus Christ. He is my Best Friend.

When I look at my life in the past, how difficult it was to “be good”. I knew what was right from wrong but I could never make the right choices. And there were so many rules: don’t do this, don’t do that, little sins and big sins, so many fine but vague lines not to cross and so much shame if you messed up…it was impossible. So I thought, “why do I need to try so hard? I’m never going to get it right.  I can’t battle my thoughts every day, my tendencies every day, my opinions, my likes and dislikes, I’m going to mess up and when I do God is going to be angry at me and I’m sure He’s tired of hearing me ask for forgiveness by now”.

Sound familiar or is it just me?

I wish someone would have told me when I was younger that Christianity isn’t all about “being good”.  Now I can see that when I was in my youth it was religion I was trying to follow. Christianity is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Christianity is not religion.

Religion is trying to appease God by works. If it were possible for humans to get into heaven by works then Jesus died in vain. It’s not about how many Hail Mary’s you say, how much money you donate, how much time you volunteer, how much Scripture you memorize, etc. If that were the case, Jesus would have provided a to-do list in order to get into heaven. The Lord did not sacrifice His entire life to come down here and be humiliated, tortured and killed to deliver us a to-do list. Instead Jesus offers Himself and says, come to ME and you will be set free. Bring everything to ME and you will be free of your sins.

Ever since I came to Him and stopped trying solely control my actions and thoughts life got a lot easier. Accepting Christ into my heart literally opened a channel of communication and a gateway to building a close relationship with Him. I let Him in and He changed me. Now, not only am I free of my past mistakes but I am a new person. I am one with Christ. (Galatians 2:20) Before, I thought accepting Christ was more based on fact. My belief was something like:

 “Do you believe Christ died for your sins?”

“Yes I do.”

“Then you are saved.”

The end.

I didn’t know there was so much more to it! That’s so not the end. You have to truly open your heart to Him and when you do not only is He actively receptive to what you have to say but He speaks back! Not only does He hear my prayers and needs but I hear His reply! He shows me things I didn’t know, He comforts me, He shows me new ways, new perceptions, new opportunities, and the list goes on.

Now it is not such an uphill battle to do the right things. When I depend on Him more and less on my own will He guides my every move. Now it’s not just a number of rules I’m trying to abide by.  Because I have a personal relationship with Him I have an inner desire to not disappoint Him so I do my best to make the right choices. Just like I do my husband, my son, or a good friend here on earth, I want to treat them right and make them just as happy I’m a part of their life as they are mine, and it’s the same with Jesus. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still mess up. I’m mess up all. the. time. But just as I forgive a friend (and waaaaaay more than I believe I could ever forgive someone) He forgives me. Every time. I don’t deserve it but that’s what the True Best Friend does.

Jesus is very real and active in my life now, and when I was younger, just trying to go through the “Christianity motions”, He clearly was not. And thus, my mind turned against God because I thought I would forever be condemned. The devil had me convinced of this lie for years. But oh how liberating and rewarding it is to learn and live the Truth! The truth will set you free.

When I put Jesus as my Best Friend, I depend on Him so much more. I go to Him first, I ask for advice, I call on Him when I’m upset or anxious, just like we tend to do with our human compadres. Isn’t that our nature? When something exciting happens, or things get ugly or we’re on thin ice, don’t we look to call on our friends (or spouse) to share the news or for advice?

The Lord says: Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all things will be added to you. (Matt6:33) Seek Him first in all that you do and He will change you, He will speak to you, He will show you things you’d never imagine!

“Thank you Father, for showing me the truth and taking me as broken as I was and making me new. Please help me to remember to always take things, good or bad, to you first and to always have an open heart to be receptive to your will. Thank you for being so active in my life and for opening my eyes to what Christianity is really all about – JESUS! ~Amen”

1 comment:

  1. I big-time agree with your statement . . .
    "how liberating and rewarding it is to learn and live the Truth! The truth will set you free."

    I tried the religious route for years.
    It was hard work trying to do the impossible of staying on top of my "crud" list.
    I can still remember saying, "Jesus, if it's true, I want it."
    Not chock full of faith, but it was enough for Jesus.
    He removed my sin and gave me His life.
    I've never regretted it.
    The Truth set me free!!!!

    Hmmm . . . your ambiguity seems to have a lot of clarity to it.
    Way to go!

    Mary B.
