Monday, December 1, 2014

Nathan's Prophesy

It seems like ever since we conceived Isaac I've been craving strawberry margaritas. I blamed it on the fact that just a month before I discovered the most wonderful skinny strawberry margarita recipe and didn't have quite enough time to indulge.

Two nights ago Stephen whisked me away to Tito's where I could finally scratch my margarita itch.
I asked my mom if she minded if we stepped out for a while and before we left Nathan said, 
“Go mom – have fun. God gave me a vision that Daddy is going to pray over someone tonight.” 
I replied, “Oh, really?” 
“Yup” he said simply as he kept playing his game.

A spontaneous date night over chips & salsa and drinks with my husband was just what I needed. I didn't mention to Stephen what Nathan had said earlier. No reason in particular – I just didn't think about it much. As we were leaving we ended up chatting with a server that we had got to know over the years. Stephen asked him how he had been and he went on to explain the trials he'd been going through and how he's struggling. Knowing this fella for quite some time this was out of his character – to just put everything out there like he did. We gave him the best advice we could but just before we left Stephen asked if he could pray over him. 

I absolutely loved that God sent and used Stephen to hold him up. God knew I needed a night out, He knew our friend needed prayer and He blessed Nathan with giving him a vision. As we walked out I was so giddy I could hardly contain myself. (And, no, it wasn't the alcohol.) As we walked to the car I shared with Stephen what Nathan said and we both couldn't help but send up praise for God's relationship with Nathan & the gifts He has given him.

Lately Nathan has had quite a few visions and has been hearing messages from God. He's so young and “insignificant” in this world but God is using him mightily. I think he hears from the Lord more than I do, and yet how quick I am sometimes to dismiss what he says. I hate that! The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to children, God wants us to become shouldn't I encourage him to press in further & really listen to him instead of brushing off what he has to say? I hope I've learned my lesson here. He can surely teach me a few things.

Thank you Lord God for giving Nathan a prophetic vision! Please continue to do so! Thank you for opening my eyes more and more daily. Teach me and guide me on how to raise, strengthen and support the man You made Nathan to be.

All glory to You.  

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